Welcome to MOMS Club of Denver
MOMS Club (MOMS Offering Moms Support) is an international, non-profit organization for at-home moms. MOMS Club of Denver is a local chapter of the International MOMS Club®.
MOMS Club chapters consider themselves a support group for at-home moms. We provide activities and company during daylight hours when at-home moms need support. Our activities are designed for moms who will have their children with them because that is what at-home moms do! We provide a variety of activities, such as playgroups, park dates, crafts, brunches, tours of local businesses, museums, or other child-friendly venues, and a monthly meeting with activities and speakers. Once a month, we even leave the kids behind for Mom's Night Out.
Just because we are stay-at-home moms doesn't mean we have to stay holed up in our homes. Being a full-time mom is hard work; we all need someone to share that experience with.
This Months Events for Potential New Members.
Each month we open up three to four of our events to potential new members. We try to accommodate different schedules, though the majority of our events are during the weekday as MOMS Club is specially designed to support at-home moms. We request that before you formally join our group you attend one of our regular events, just so you can get to know us and make sure we are a good fit for you. These are the events we have open for May 2023.